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bits I’m working on (and stuff already out)

Updates on DEBRIS and a new short story


DEBRIS chapter 1 is finished. More will be completed in the weeks to come, and I hope to have the book done in early November. The outline is good. I’m excited.

That said, I’m always thinking ahead. After DEBRIS, I have another sci-fi story to write, one that will have a very different tone and style. Both DEBRIS and FOR A BETER YESTERDAY were “heady” stories, or at least as much as I could make them.

The next book I will write, after DEBRIS, is entitled THE INVENTOR, and is more of a dramatic story with a sci-fi slant. I have a pretty detailed synopsis done, but I won’t work on the outline until around Christmas time. In the meantime I took a few of the major beats of the story and simplified them into a short story. It’s the first short I’ve written in quite some time, actually.

About a decade ago, just before I started writing full-length novels, I had a stretch where I was obsessed with writing shorts. I think I penned like a dozen within the span of six months, then took a break, then wrote another dozen in another six month.

It was tough to get back into that mindset after so long away from it (writing a short story isn’t at all like writing a novel) but I have a new one done, all the same. Whether or not it’s any good is for others to judge. Other shorts that turned into novels were FROGGY WENT A’COURTIN’ and BURIED DEEP. Now comes THE INVENTOR.


The book will be out in the first half of 2024. The short will be published here next week as the freebie for August. Look for it then.