
what’s happening

Updates on Century of Wind book three / Chumpty Dumpty book two


Work is going great on both books.

Ashes in the Wind is the third book in the series of “A Century of Wind, Fire, and Water,” and the last in the first of four trilogies that comprise the series. I recently finished the ninth chapter and so far it has been the easiest writing I’ve done since the second Kingdom of Arthur or maybe El Dorado. The outline came effortlessly, the chapters have been dense, and the book will probably end up the largest of the series thus far.

Chumpty Dumpty and the Wishing-Well War is almost done. I finished the nineteenth chapter this evening, leaving only the twentieth chapter and the prologue left to go. The art is finished so everything will hopefully be proofed and submitted before the end of the month.

After these two books are done, what I have next on the agenda are Buried Deep and Chumpty book three. The former is a horror book (my first) and the latter is the final installment in this children’s trilogy of stories.

It’s been a productive year to say the least.