
what’s happening

The Adventures of Jon Burrows Volume 3 is done


The kindle version is live and the paperback version will follow soon enough, but for my part, the third and final installment in the Jon Burrows trilogy is complete. You can find the link in the bookstore.

The series was never supposed to be a series. In fact, I had originally planned for a single book, with each year between 1961-1974 comprising a single chapter and a single mission of the secret agent. As I wrote, however, the stories got longer and longer, until eventually I realized I had enough for multiple volumes.

Six months later I’m glad to be done.

The idea came to me on a lark: “What if Elvis was secretly a globe-trotting spy.” I tried to stay true to that basic idea throughout the series, though I think I got away from it a bit in the final installment. I could feel the momentum fading and the creativity waning. It’s a good thing I wrapped it up here; I don’t think I had another volume in me.

Work continues on A Century of Wind, Fire, and Water, with the first book (in the presumed twelve-part series) nearing completion. My Acts commentary (two volumes) is progressing nicely as well.

COVID-19 continues to cripple the movie industry (among others), meaning that segment of my life and work (writing reviews for is hindered. Hopefully the virus is defeated and normalcy can return as soon as possible.