
what’s happening

A Century of Wind, Fire, and Water (book one) is done

After months of prep and late nights writing, the first book in A Century of Wind, Fire, and Water—subtitled “The Hand in the Shadows”—is complete.

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Both the paperback and kindle versions are available now. You can find the link in the bookstore.

The story (the first of a planned twelve) combines a few of my favorite stories or story-types, most notably Star Wars and JRPGs I grew up playing like Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger. The Star Wars influence is obvious from the way the story is presented, while the JRPG influence comes from some of the characters, plot points and themes.

As with everything I’ve ever written the overall (12 part) story is outlined, but as with everything I’ve ever written the story is certain to evolve and change as it’s told. That has already happened in the first book and it will again.

Overall I’m marginally pleased with this first installment and am excited to start book two shortly.

Matthew Martin