
what’s happening

I live

A lack of updates to this site does not mean a lack of work being done. I’m just overwhelmed with a thousand things (not the least of which is moving) and this has slipped through the cracks.

Work continues nicely on A Century of Wind, Fire, and Water; I’m three chapters away from finishing the first book, then comes the proofing, revising, finishing art, etc. Hopefully by next month it’ll be available for purchase. I hope to finish the first trilogy by the end of the year.

Work has all but concluded on Elvis Presley and the Adventures of Jon Burrows Volume 3. The first draft is done and soon I’ll proof and revise and finish the art. I hope to have it available for purchase by the end of the month.

Work also continues nicely on my Acts commentary, though that’s slower going. Chapter 4 is finished. The first volume will consider the first eleven or twelve chapters and probably won’t be done until June.

I’ll try and have a sample of something up within a week.

Matthew Martin