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bits I’m working on (and stuff already out)

Job is done and a note on August's freebie


My verse-by-verse commentary on the Book of Job is complete. It was a delightful study of the man who suffered unimaginable loss but whose faith in God never wavered.

On the fictional side, I am a little more than halfway through THE LAST OF THE TROLL HUNTERS and hope to have the entire book finished by the end of this month. I’ve only been tinkering with it here and there without a firm schedule (a departure from my usual book writing), but I’ve enjoyed playing in the world and discovering the sights and frights that our young hero encounters on his quest.

Speaking of, the freebie for August is a sample chapter, taken from about a third of the way through the book (chapter 7). It features the young hero, Willem, lost in a large and danger-filled Wood. What he finds, among other things, are monsters and villains with enough cunning to take advantage of his youth (and his horrible hunger pains) and enough wickedness to end his quest in a permanent way.
