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bits I’m working on (and stuff already out)

A new daily devotional book is done


This year, I’ve been working on a commentary for Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon. I’m nearly done with it, and hope to have it published by the end of May.

Proverbs is finished and, on the side, I’ve been gathering several of my favorite saying from the wise man. I’ve compiled them into a 366-day devotional book, as a compliment to the 366-day devo book I published a few months back. But whereas the book called “A DEVO A DAY KEEPS THE DEVIL AT BAY” is meant to be read in the morning as you start your day, this new book, “A PROVERB A DAY,” is intended to be read each evening before you go to sleep.

It should be available to buy in a few days. Until then, here’s the cover: