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bits I’m working on (and stuff already out)

What's coming in 2020 (and an art sample from one book in development)


I have a lot on the docket for this year.

First, I plan to finish Volume Three of my Jon Burrows trilogy. This will bring the series to a close. I hope to have that done in February or early March.

Second, I have Knights of the Wind. Here’s an art sample from one of the major characters…

Seer Bando.png

“Knights of the Wind” is title-pending. I’m bouncing different ideas around for what to call the overall series. The first book is entitled “The Hand in the Shadows.”

I have twelve stories at varying degrees of development in this series. Four trilogies spanning one hundred years. It will be heavily inspired by the myths and stories I grew up enjoying, such as Star Wars, Final Fantasy, Harry Potter, and Lord of the Rings. Inspiration from those sources might manifest itself in a plot or in a character (or characters), or maybe in a visual/aesthetic. I’m excited about the project though I know it will take me a few years to complete and I’ll be writing other things in between to break up the monotony of it all.

Third is Buried Deep, a horror story that stretches from snowy Connecticut to swampy Louisiana. More info and chapter samples coming soon. I hope to start that in August and finish it in October.

Fourth is The Wildest Town in the West, a story I was going to write at the end of 2019 but shelved it to this year because the Jon Burrows story grabbed my attention and didn’t let go. The Wildest Town in the West is about a struggling theater performer who, at the turn of the 20th century visits a rundown Arizona town that’s in danger of dying out without some tourism. He decides to stage various “ Wild West performances” with the locals to give the town some buzz (a fake robbery, kidnapping, shootouts, etc). Of course, things go awry when Teddy Roosevelt rolls into town. That’s all I’ll say about that. I hope to have it done, Lord willing, by Christmas.

If I have time, I have a couple children’s books I want to write, including The Great Mouse Escape (inspired by the Beverly Cleary books I read as a kid) and One Halloween Evening (a followup to One Christmas-Eve Evening) which you can pick up in the bookstore!

On the Spiritual Side, this year I plan to finish my commentary of the New Testament. Only one book remains: Acts. It’s a thousand verses long and will need two volumes to write. I hope to be done with it by October.

That’s all for now.