Can’t say I’m really excited about the way this one turned out, which is a bummer as it has been a nugget of an idea I’ve had in my head for a long time. In the end, I think I simply had too many notes and ideas, and I couldn’t cut any of them, so the end result is a bit rushed AND overstuffed.
Ah well.
And you may be thinking: “But Matthew, if you aren’t satisfied, why not keep working on it?” That’s a reasonable question and it proposes a reasonable solution, but the fact is (A) I don’t make enough on my fictional books to devote too much attention to them, and (B) I have far, far too many ideas to get to. If I spend more time with one, it’s less time I can devote to another. I will probably never get through all my ideas before I’m dead. I’d much rather release what I can, and leave my works behind for my descendants to examine and hopefully improve.
My real literary legacy are my religious books. To that end, my attention now turns to AN EXPOSE ON THE DEVIL, a Bible study book examining all the Bible says about Satan. I hope to have it done by the end of the year.