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bits I’m working on (and stuff already out)

Art samples from Chumpty Dumpty


As mentioned yesterday, the first draft of Chumpty Dumpty is done and now comes the fun part: Illustrations.

Of course, with this project the work is bittersweet. Phillip is the true artist between us, and he designed covers for my King Arthur series (books 3, 4, and 6), as well as the cover for my Paradise to Paradise spiritual book, and One Christmas-Eve Evening.

When it comes to Chumpty, we never talked much about characters or art. If he was alive and healthy, he’d be doing it with me only talking with him about what the characters should look like; I would be leaving the actual art to him.

Phillip had a very particular art style and it’s not one I can emulate. So I’m not even going to try. Since we never talked about what these characters should look like, I’m taking the liberty.

Here are a few samples as I’ve only done about twelve out of the fifty that are expected to be included in the book. These are the three heroes of the story…
