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bits I’m working on (and stuff already out)

An Art sample from A CENTURY OF WIND, FIRE, AND WATER (book four)


I’m still in the outlining phase but already I have some key character sketches done. The fourth book in the century-spanning series takes place twenty years after the previous book, so there will be a lot of new characters to introduce, as well as a world that has changed a lot over the course of two decades. Here are three characters that will play a pivotal role in the next three stories…

Cloud, of course, was the central character of the first trilogy and even though her role is reduced in the next set, she still plays an important part in this second trilogy. She leads the rebel forces against Verdi Maxis’ world-spanning totalitarians regime. She’s older now, hardened from motherhood and leading the various rebel factions, but still as committed as ever to restoring freedom to the world.


Ethan is the son of Cloud and Verdi Maxis, raised by his mother and honed into a master fighter. He’s over-confident and reckless and it gets him into trouble more often than not, but there’s no better man on the front line and Cloud knows it. Ethan knows who he’s fighting—his father—but Verdi has (so far) no knowledge of his existence and Cloud hopes to keep it that way. Unlike his mother, Ethan has shown no proclivity in working the magic of water…but that doesn’t mean some other magical talents aren’t lying dormant…

Solomon Chase is easily the boldest, brashest, most audacious air pirate in the world. He’s five foot nothing, with three inch lifts on his boots, wears the loudest colors he can get his hands on, and personally designed his own “big smile” logo. Solomon Chase has got the biggest mouth, the fastest and flashiest ship, knows every trick to get you in or out of any secured area, and works with the best co-pilot money can buy…

But in terms of pure flying talent, he’s maybe the worst pilot anyone has ever seen.

Nobody’s perfect.

In terms of inspiration: He’s one part Han Solo, one part Jack Sparrow, and one part Elton John. I’ve got PAGES of little notes and ideas about this guy. I can’t wait to bring him to life.

As I said in a previous post, I won’t start writing the book until July, but I’m well into the outlining of book four and will probably (hopefully) have all three books mapped out (working off the basic outline I crafted a year or so ago) before the end of June.