blog & samples |

bits I’m working on (and stuff already out)



The following is taken from late in the book, from a chapter I just finished in fact. It’s hard to pick sample text once I get deep into writing, because I don’t like to share spoilers, but this little section is pretty harmless. All you need to know is Gru and Drago left a few chapters ago, through a briarpatch path. After a short stay on the other side, they returned to the forest from which they had previously escaped…

Minutes later, the trio spilled out of the briar-laden path, onto the mossy ground of the forest interior. Gru took in a deep breath through his nostrils, smelling the odors of the land he called home. It felt like they’d been away for a long time, despite it only being a few hours since they left.

“Oh no…” Drago mumbled. He hopped off Billy’s back and soared down to the ground, to the trunk of a tall tree standing nearby. It was one of countless others though this one seemed to carry some significance to the little dragon. “Oh Gru…” he said mournfully. “I’m so sorry…”

“What?” Gru asked, looking around for some clue as to what had upset Drago so much.

“This…” the dragon ran his hand up and down the bark of the aged tree. “This tree was just a sapling when we were last here.”


“Barely taller than you. I remember noticing it just before we entered the briar patch. Now look at it…” Drago leaned backward, looking high into the sky to find the top of the tall tree. “It’s so old now. Do you know what this means?”

“Magic tree?” Gru guessed.

“No, it means hundreds of years must have passed. The portal…it must be some kind of time portal. Or maybe Voodoo’s Chrontraption thing on his wrist messed with the space-time continuum and caused us to jump forward in—oh wait…” Another sight caught the dragon’s eye. He hurried over, a few feet to the right, where he found a little sapling no bigger than Gru. “Nevermind, false alarm.” he said with relief, clearing his throat to hide his embarrassment. “We’re good. Let’s continue on with the journey to—”


 It was the unmistakable sound of a fallen twig cracking under a foot. The noise stopped all three in their tracks; they moved only their eyes as they scanned their surroundings. Visibility was limited in the wilder paths of the forest; there were large trees and tall bushes to hide behind. If someone wanted to watch them, they could without being seen, provided they kept still and quiet.

“There!” Gru shouted, hoping his outburst might startle whatever it was. He pointed to the shape of something behind a nearby bush. The creature had been inching forward, crunching leaves and sticks as it walked. Whatever it was, it didn’t seem worried about being heard; that meant it was either a monster so big and bad it wasn’t intimidated by the trio before it, or—

I’ve got another couple weeks of work left to do, but I can see the finish line ahead. The book’s turning out really well, I think and I’m excited to have it finished. More on that before the end of the month…