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bits I’m working on (and stuff already out)

A sample from The Adventures of Jon Burrows


Here’s a sample from the second chapter of THE ADVENTURES OF JON BURROWS.

Of course, I say chapter, but really it’s the second story. Each chapter in the book is a little, self-contained adventure of this secret agent. Burrows is still a relative newbie in this second story, having only been on the job less than a year and just finishing up his third mission. Things did not go particularly well for him here. Though he exposed the bad guy, he failed to stop the villain’s plot and he failed to capture the bad guy as well.

He ends the mission feeling dejected and conflicted about his secret life, but things are not turning around for him anytime soon.

Here’s a sample, presented without any further context, along with a picture of Jon Burrows from earlier in the mission…

“So what now?” Jon asked, eager for some direction.

Lanai glanced back at the ruined remains of Riddle. “Well someone’s going to have to clean up the mess back here…and some of it is over there too, I think.”

“Hey!” a man across the street was waving frantically at them. “Is one of you named Burrows?” he shouted, holding a payphone receiver in hand.

Jon hopped up and trudged over, completely unenthused to hear from Miss. Delakitt about how he’d now let his second S.M.U.R.F. accomplice slip through his fingers. “Hello?” he said dully.

“Don’t be so glum, Mr. Presley.” an unfamiliar voice responded, raspy like a life-long smoker might sound, with a Hispanic accent to boot.

“Who is this?”

“I just wanted you to know you’ve made quite a name for yourself, and I don’t mean as a singer or a movie star. Many of my colleagues are quite looking forward to meeting you, hopefully soon.”

“Who are you?”

“You know who we are.”


“Enjoy your summer. We’ll see you around Christmas.” he answered before hanging up the phone. Jon cast a wary look back at Lanai and wondered once again if he was truly cut out for spy business after all. Whether he was or not, however, his secret was out, at least among the world’s united-criminals.

Whether he wanted to stop or not, he knew he couldn’t, not until S.M.U.R.F. was taken out. There were too many lives at risk.

 Including his own.

And here is Jon Burrows himself…

Look familiar? Maybe…