Work on BILLY RICHMOND AND THE APPLIANCE WARS has begun! — books by mlm


what’s happening



Work actually began a few days ago, but it’s been crazy busy around here, so I haven’t posted an update about it.

Billy Richmond and the Appliance Wars is a silly premise about a boy that gets swept away into an alternate dimension where toasters, refrigerators, and other electric appliances walk and talk like people. There’s a war going on and it’s up to Billy (and his friends) to bring peace back to the land. The idea is, I think, the oldest one I’ve ever had in my head, being a story I wrote as a school assignment back in 7th grade. Obviously, the book I’m writing is much more detailed than the five hundred or so words I penned way back in 1997, but it made for a funny little starter and one that stuck with me for all these years. I’m excited to give it a proper go.

The book is outlined and ready; I should start writing it next week, Lord willing. I have envisioned the Billy Richmond books as a serial of self contained adventures, unlike the Chumpty Dumpty trilogy or the Kingdom of Arthur six-part series, which means I reserve the right to come back to these characters in a few years and release another book if an idea hits me. As it is, I’ve got four ideas I’ll be working on for most of the rest of this year.

Here’s to it!