
what’s happening

Updates on Wind and Chumpty


I’m nearing the finish line to the second book in the “Century of Wind, Fire, and Water” series. It’s certainly a book that went in a lot more places than I originally envisioned. I’ll have more to say when it’s done. As it is, I’m relatively happy with how it’s progressing and look forward to revising and tweaking and shoring up some of the loose ends when I do the second draft in a couple weeks or so.

As for Chumpty Dumpty, the second book is going well. I started it earlier this month and just finished the sixth chapter. True to my earlier word, it is a deeper, potentially more sober story than the original, though it has the same whimsy and silliness that made the first so much fun to write. I’m still about six weeks or so from finishing, so expect another update or two before the first draft is done.

Even as I write these, I continue to think of new ideas, add notes to ideas-in-waiting, and flesh out ideas for future chapters to the stories I’m currently working on.

It never stops.