
what’s happening

on Knives Out



The full review will be up soon on Cult of Whatever, but in the meantime here’s a snippet from the article, focusing on the delightful performance by Daniel Craig…

Watching Craig chew up and spit out scenery, meandering off on various tangents, talking at one point—in the film’s most hilariously bizarre monologue—about a donut’s hole and the “donut hole” that’s needed to fill it, only to discover the donut hole itself is a donut with a hole, etc. It’s surreal watching him read such obviously ridiculous lines with such a straight-laced performance. The only comparison I could think of was Adam West’s take on Bruce Wayne/Batman. It’s delightful. It’s bizarre. It’s single-handedly enough to keep the film chugging along while we wait for the other shoe to drop.

I loved the movie and easily rank it among the best films I’ve seen this year.

10/10 – Excellently acted, fantastically directed, sharply written, and a great twist on a classic formula, Knives Out is for anyone who loves murder-mysteries, or just enjoys having a good time at the movies.

Matthew MartinKnives Out