
what’s happening

Chumpty Dumpty is done...


Well, the first draft is, anyway.

I still have 50 pieces of artwork to do, as well as proofing, final editing, and formatting.

After I do all of that, then it will be “done.”

Still, the bulk of it is finished, and much quicker than I expected. When I started this project a few weeks ago I said I would only write when I felt like it. At the time, I anticipated a lot of sad emotions rising up, slowing me down and delaying the completion.

Instead, I found myself energized.

I had the screenplay that Phillip and I wrote open on one half of the screen, and the adaptation on the other. It had been too long since I read Chumpty Dumpty from beginning to end. Many happy memories came back to me as I did.

That said, there were too many times when I would make a change, add a character, cut a scene, flesh out an idea, etc, and think to myself “I wish I could show this to Phillip. I wish I could get his opinion.” That part of it was tough, but the overall experience has been a joy.

I look forward to beginning the art, though I expect it will take several weeks before it’s done.