20K LIGHTYEARS FROM EARTH is done! — books by mlm


what’s happening



Well, the first draft is done. I still have proofing, final editing, and other little things to do. But the first big checkered flag has been crossed and, over all, I am very satisfied with how it turned out.

The word count always changes (usually by going up) when I do my second run through it, but as of now it is about 49,000 words, which would make it the largest “children’s” book I’ve written thus far. And now that I’m done with it, I don’t know if it’s right to call it a “children’s book.” It’s more of a traditional sci-fi adventure story that happens to feature three children in key roles.

I still haven’t decided if I’ll format it as a children’s story (with large print) or as a traditional book. I won’t know till I’m done editing and revising it, hopefully this weekend.

Until then…